Good Morning

Good Morning all,

As I prepared my children for school, I realized that I’m very tired but cannot fall back asleep.  I have off of school today and tomorrow which means I can get some studying done.  The coldness is upon us however and we had our first frost last night.  Where did the fall go?  I posted a blog last night about my feelings regarding fall and how much I love it I suppose it is still here, it just saddens me when the frost starts to show up because I know we are closer than ever to winter for this year. Oh well, I guess that means I should enjoy it. I love positivity, peace, love, and the light and as long as I hold those close, nothing negative can bother me. I hope you all have a beautiful day.

May the light surround each of you today and guide you to positivity and love.


Posted in Fall, Human Interest, Love, Peace, Spirituality | Leave a comment

A Few Thoughts on Friendship

I was one of those kids growing up that befriended the unfriendable. I always felt empathy and could find the good in anyone. Of course I paid for it dearly, as the “popular” kids who wouldn’t be caught dead communing with the “losers”; couldn’t accept me as one of their own. It didn’t bother me that much until I was about 10, around that age girls become increasingly caddy and friendships change from day to day. We get older though and most women grow out of it. It taught me one good lesson though: It’s better to have a few good true friends than a handful of acquaintances. The thing about friendship that can be hard though is the hard times. Many go through trials in life and the thing that has always gotten me through is my family and friends. I have had my share of trauma and had it not been for those standing in my corner giving a damn, I wouldn’t be here to write this blog. I am forever thankful for their kindness and steadfastness. To me friendship is a gift that humanity often ignores. Sometimes we go through our own trials to the point where we think we cannot handle those of others, however it is often friendship that helps weather those storms. A blessing that is love is boundless, always available and always free. Be sure to share your love with others, as your reward is 10-fold. I am grateful to all my friends and the love they have given me, I just hope to extend my love and friendship to them as much as they have for me.

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